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Corona-A Warning of nature

Hello and welcome to hind weekly. Today we are going to talk about Corona virus which is a threat for human existence.

Corona virus is spreading everywhere and more than 90000 people were affected and around 4000 died. Is it our mistake? Are we responsible for it? Does nature has reminded us that we are just like other animals?

Rumors are saying that it started from china's "Wuhan" city form wet is a zoonotic disease means it came from animals to humans.

When it is found the government has banned live animal selling.

Till now no vaccine is introduced or discovered to cure Corona but the research is in process but there is no progress till now and now W.H.O had directed some advisory to be safe from Corona which are follows:

1. Avoid social distances.
2.wash hands frequently
3.when coughing or sneezing cover mouth and nose with elbows.
4.throw tissues into closed bins immediately after use.

Now some myth are spreading on social media about Corona virus which must be enlightened.

1.antibiotics are effective in curing Corona virus.
2. Hand dryers are effective in killing the new coronavirus.

So at last I wold like to say "prevention is better because there's no cure"

Stay safe ,stay healthy
Jai hind.
